Christmas is here again and every single kid is like "OOOMGG!!!!11XMAS FOAR LIEF!!!!!111LOLOLOL!!"
And it's pretty annoying but yeah they're just kids. But the reason I hate christmas is that it's just horrible in my home!
Typical christmas in my home: Well the day before 24th december my 3 sisters come for a visit and stay for weeks and the bad thing? THEY HAVE CHILDREN!!! yes little babies! Running around the house,
screaming, yelling and make me sick when having lunch or dinner because they eat like pigs(even worse btw).
Also presents! I've hated christmas since I was 11! I've been getting TOTALLY useless presents all those years! Like last year I got some cheap-ass cook book! Like are you kidding me? Me? Cooking? Don't make me laugh!
That's it??? Hell no! the other reason is simply that christmas is a happy time and I'm totally not a happy person.
Oh yeah and in school they play that horrible christmas music sang by kids! IT'S JUST HORRIBLE! Because I listen to SlipKnot and stuff like that and Imagine my reaction for some kiddy christmas music!O_o
Well yeah that's it!
I hope at least you people enjoy your christmas!
you are missing the whole point of it, dude
penguin54 (Updated )
shutup... jk